Saturday, February 9, 2019

Wanting the Imminent Addition of Years

Under friendly fire I had a revelation.  Call it foxhole faith or just plain acceptance.  I made the observation

while I was talking with Ricardo sitting around the dinner table.  His brother-in-law had died recently.

His number was up at 78.  I said that was a good high number.  Ricardo says, " Whoa, wait a minute."

I am a month and days away from 77 and 78 does not seem like a very high number.  Yeah!  Suddenly I am

 saying I am not so far off from 78 either.  Revelation.  Realization.  How old is old?  It ain't 78.

There are things we want to do.  To see.  The grandkids grown and graduating from college and getting

wedding invitations from grandchildren.  Is a bucket really what drives your life?  How old do we want to

 be?  Old enough to do things in health.

Yesterday I found out Allen fell and broke his hip.  Awesome farmer that has taught his boys to farm the

oats on their big acreage.  He is hindered by Parkinsons but will not give up; driving around his land on his

John Deere go anywhere vehicle loving his land.  Will he come back?  He is in that 78 range.  If he can

survive this winter literally in his life.  I always think of the Winter of Discontent and experience it myself in

these sunlight deprived days.  If only we believe in Spring and can last to tilling garden and joyous for weeds

to pull.  Yes, the snow will melt but damn it's 8 inches white and it ain't melting for the extended forecast.

Believe Allen in spring.

I have vowed to die on Sacred Ground.  Will I be able to do this I do not know.  I laughed with the boys

at the local Heisson store.  I said, " We are all going down the tubes, but I am holding my head up and

fighting the descent all of the way.  Take away my old super scent ability--okay.  Dull away my sharp

old mind.  But don't take my love of M or our land.  Don't take away my friends.  As long as we breathe we

 must have faith that there is another Spring of daffodils and tulips even though they are buried in a foot now

 of snow.

                                                The poet as prophet

                                    Those poet words not filled with pelf

                                    Strong sayings trying to prophesy

                                    Primitive pictures on cave walls

                                    Heaven sharing crude lithographs

                                    Good ones didn’t waste breath on explanations

                                    They lived heaven right here

                                    In this garden of Eden

                                    They knew some others

                                    That walked with them on earth

                                    They wanted others to share their beliefs

                                    Religion just wasnt their thing

                                    Preaching to a flock of diversity

                                    Paradise is here now   join us

                 Sacred Ground                                                                                  50.

Oh holy ground oh sacred ground

Your life blood is in my veins

Crushed deep with mortar and pestle

To fine crumbly soil

It fills my soul

Then you rain oh mother life

I woke up living on this rich mantle of earth

I cannot kiss or embrace you more

You fill out my bones

You give my body reason    

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