Be my Valentine! Sending out hearts to all the people I love. Love and Valentines Days: thinking back. Wow, that girl in fourth grade, Cherie Dedmore. Surprised I even remembered her name Wonder if she is still alive. First girl that I didn't know how to react with--just peach fuzz--you know love is just a four letter word except I didn't have a clue but I knew the word from my dad's service station: **** which rhymes with lucky. Didn't know what it meant though. I knew so little about the four letter word: LOVE! And then there was the guilt of the forbidden fruit that Catholic schools and teaching put on our backs. I lived it. I am a recovering Catholic. St. Augustine saying," It wasn't an apple on the tree. It was a pair on the ground." Sex was made to make you feel dirty and not talked about except in the confessional. Back in the early sixties sex education was limited to restroom walls and our snickering friends who found their dad's playboy. I know because at eleven I was the colonel of the urinal at Pop's station. My duty was to keep the restrooms clean after school. I read some weird stuff before I scrubbed it off.
So, "What's love got to do with it?....(Is love) just a second hand emotion?" sings Tina. There are many kinds of love: Fraternal, maternal, filial, sororal, unconditional, gay, lesbian, friend, platonic... I want to talk about romantic love between two "partners for life." Love and sex. Sex and love. One without the other is like a reuben without the pastrami. A peanut butter sandwich without the peanut butter. A chocolate cake without the chocolate. When two are enjoined, it is possible to experience heaven on earth if only for fleeting moments. To go somewhere where many people in love have gone before. In these poems I wish to wax silly like Maccha sang "It's just another silly love song."
Blue Sky
Kind of blue sounding
People say there have been prettier ones
Than you
But they are now so wrinkled
They have not met
I see you I believe
Maybe my eyes were shut
Now I see
Where and when I found such luck
Discovering the phantom orchid moth
When I see you so pink
I think of such incongruity
So bold a clashing color
In this autumn gold Ginkgo time
The sunset deepens on your face
To make the rosy fingered dawn envy
Love without reciprocation is sad.
Checking Out A Library Book
Like so many books on a library shelf
I came and saw you in the stacks
Would I choose knowledge very rare
Borrowing this book
Wanting more than osmotic stew
Standing in front of you
Looking at so many unknown pages
Grabbing it from the row
Chasing each word as if my last
Tattooing chapters relentlessly on my soul
Feeling needles
Hoping you would read me too
Love the fine print
Then open wide
Hey, we had an earthquake out in Yacolt, Hemingway, just recently.
I felt tremors
Aftershocks falling down the Richter scale
Still twenty minutes after
Some adrenaline rush
Like only a stealheader would know
Then times it geometrically
That is true love
It is not all about sex
Your head nuzzled in my arm
And then there is obsession again.
She was the devils helper
I should have known
I could not help myself
I was magnetized to her
Like there was nothing else
That mattered two cloven hooves
I am going to ride it out
The difference between life and living
Breathing in pure oxygen
Then all hell breaks loose
Cant be stopped
Happy Valentines Day Star, May, Oliver, Finnian, Caty Lynn, the amazing Maisy, and the beautiful Hannah.
I could go on mushing.
I'm sorry i missed this on Valentines Day but it means just as much today. Love Always