Just Another Valentines Day
I remember the year I sent 5 dozen roses to my lover at work because we had been married 5 years. Does excess equate to love? What is the difference between the excess of infatuation and true love. What is in-love vs. in-lust. Have you felt the madness--when you cannot stop touching, cannot leave your hands off of your lover. Cannot stop repeating their name. Cannot get their face out of your mind. Cannot sleep. They call this "love sick." "Doctor, Doctor give me the cure." Ever had a bad case of loving?
True love as the song goes is very hard to find. What is true love and how is it different than the national day of consumptive love and moving right on to mothers day and fathers day love. Did I forget any other days to consume for the sake of the economy? But maybe it is the one day you do not forget. Can you make it more than one day? Or if you are like me, you write love poems to your lover, of course. Until she begs you to stop. It is like the sour dough starter that you left on the stove and it erupts like a Vesuvius lava flow because you forgot it was there. Oh, the sticky mess of love poems. Silly love. How many ways can you say, "I love you." How foolish (like a fool) can you be. How far can you debase yourself? How far can you let your ego dissolve; until you are one in body & soul with your lover? I believe love can make you a better person. Can stretch you to be better. Love can help one to see that the person that accepts you in all of your flaws and faults is unconditionally loving you--that they are like confessional magic that forgives accepts and loves. Say your hail Marys or is that Mari-ekes? That their affirmation of you helps you to love bigger and look in the mirror and love yourself. And with this secure love, you can spread it to all of your human intercourse--no pun intended.
Takes you to another dimension that jelly roll. Let's go!
Salt and scented sometimes
Trumps soap and squeaky clean
Sweat and the musky smell are part
Of ordinary unscheduled days
When time has turned to dark
You must not let this chance go
Without kissing her
Going to that place
Where tectonic plates collide
The wild earth quake ride
Tides rising and sweeping you away
Into another tomorrow today
This poem is dedicated to R&P who also love too much
All my thoughts are microdots

When Im not close to you
All my bodysoul screams out why
Gone where is my blue sky
So when I cant find you
Im lost don’t have one clue
Please give me a Garmin with GPS
So I can find you and not be a mess
All my dreams are nightmares
Gone your love how it scares
You give me piece and everything good
You are my breath my manna food
What kind of fool walks in a forest in a windstorm
With his lover in armed protective karma
The wind blows us all knowledge
It is gone with foggy breath
Do not fear life or death
More stuff from cleaning up the lava flow

Marieke 51
Like a picture by a stream
Beauty was standing
I had to tell myself to look not stare
Wonder if the water frothing by
Would really take my twig raft to the sea
If you were the riding close one
The person that haunts my sailing dream
Hoping you are both the same
Please tell me your name