"Everybody wants to go to heaven..."
This "What Defines Heaven" is a philo-theological question I have obsessed on. I have written reams of paper searching for this answer. I cannot say if I am a believer or not. My friend Danny said, "Do you always look at things for the best?" I see no alternative. I want the best for you and me and everyone. If it is your heaven, then I would like to visit. I want to live in heaven. Doesn't it feel so good? Let's go!
My very dearest priest friend, Fr. DeJardin, now deceased, came to a kinder interpretation of Catholicism as he aged. He believed theologically that all people would have the chance to enter the gates of heaven--very similar to Mormanism. He also introduced me to Teilhard de Chardin, another Jesuit, who was prosecuted by the Church for his belief in evolution. My favorite interpretation of Teilhard's was that we humans play a role in the evolution of heaven. That the alpha point of primitives would evolve/become the omega point of some human heaven on earth. Doesn't that sound great. Like we could actually create a heaven here on earth. Let's evolve!
Then there is a largely held belief by many on the after-life--reincarnation. Basically, how we transmigrate through many lives and forms to achieve a release from the physical into a more perfect spiritual world. That's why they are always telling us men to get in touch with your feminine side and they say stop being a donkey. This belief, too, is saying that you have a personal responsibility to change or evolve into something better. I cannot help but think this in turn would make the world better. Let's believe!
Oh, oh! Now I'm preaching like Mr. Flora Wonder. It's fun!

"Just the poems sir, just the poems
How Rich
If you are the person
Who must have a clear cut around your home
Then you have not committed to faith and love
You have risked nothing
You have lost even
Where will you spend your whordes
What will you get for it
The time is coming fast
Then it is over
As we have known it
The Omega prophecy is here
Not some ticker board bouncing speculator numbers
Happiness fat gardens friends
All will dwell in harmony
By being in the now do we live in zen heaven?
More Now
I hope I see you in heaven
But why would you like to leave this
Does a man need more than 40 acres
Not able to love them enough
Tethered to a dream
Why wake up
Why proclaim there are many mansions
Better than our fleshy bodies
Someplace far off we do not know
What is the matter with now
There are many paths to heaven, Grasshopper.
I have been on the bus
I sat in the back of the bus
Rode to the blackest star planet
There seems to be a heavy dark plastic tarp
Can’t get it off
Fear strangling my breath
Gravity so heavy
Can’t get out from under it
A room with no doors
A planet with no light
The shuttle nowhere in sight
Losing my hair gray despair
Technology will rescue me
Pharmacology will heal me
Religion will save me
I believe in many heavens
Nirvana Nirvana
A snowflake in my hand
To be frozen suspendimated eternally
Would could it be that good
Resurrected into the clouds
Could you leave this fermented soil
I like visiting
I want to come again
I am not ready to forsake
Picotee pink begonia breasts
Autumn sun spinning gold in your hair
To not dwell in this our house
We call loves kissing madness
Would being immortal mean
There are no bodies to touch
No feasts of excess to share
Not to hold all that is us
Go away JesusBuddhaMuhammad
I want you darling 53
And finally, going back to my Christmas blog: Heaven is grandchildren: Defining Heaven